How can AI empower your innovation process and unlock new connections?

AI has revolutionised the way innovators can develop new ideas and concepts, but many are still not capitalising on its true potential. Discover the 3 tips to empower your innovation process through AI, whilst not losing sight of the need to deliver meaningfully different brand experiences.

A truly breakthrough innovation

Generative AI is one of the most profound innovations of our time; a truly breakthrough innovation enabling a step change in what we can achieve as humans. A recent study by Kantar highlights that while half of consumers are generally positive about generative AI, many are still neutral or unaware of it. Despite this many will have experienced the benefits, whether it is identifying an unfamiliar plant, turning ingredients into meals, or tracking their fitness.

This consumer ambivalence seems destined to change, as marketers have more positive attitudes towards AI and are eager to use the power of AI to deliver better and more personalised products and services.

This article was published exclusively on on November 29, 2023.