The pivotal brand opportunity for generative AI

The role of brand is currently an underestimated opportunity for AI tools

AI is increasingly on everyone’s lips and seemingly everywhere. We’re all talking about it – the media, the public, governments, and businesses large and small. In boardrooms around the globe, the ‘AI conversation’ continues to intensify, with most businesses scrambling to make sense of the ‘coming revolution’ – while CEOs frame strategies and growth opportunities, CFOs obsess over the potential efficiencies, and CTOs rub their hands with excitement at the multitude of possibilities to lead and empower genuinely generational (pun intended) change.

There’s equal excitement in the boardrooms of the owners of these increasingly impressive generative AI platforms, as development teams assemble and innovate at warp speed, desperate to maintain an advantage and remain at the vanguard of innovation. These CEOs, CFOs, and CTOs will be just as excited as those outside of the AI bubble, but the C-suite member that truly holds the key to success for these businesses is none of these – it’s the CMO (assuming they even have one!).

This article was published exclusively on on May 29, 2024.