The game before the game: preparing for digital media success

Where an ad appears is as important as what it says. An early understanding of how an ad will work in context is key to success.

I’m not generally one for football, but the strategy of the game feels very relevant for the topic of this article. As the celebrated Beats by Dre “Game Before The Game” campaign taught us, pre-game rituals matter if you want to prepare for victory. Deciding which players to put on the pitch first, in which positions, and which to substitute, has parallels with planning a digital campaign. Understanding which creative to start in which online platforms, and what changes might help drive greater return on investment for your brand, is essential early on. Developing that understanding can come from a mix of past experience and new data sources.

We know from our media effectiveness databases that digital campaigns account for 25% of media investment among our clients, but drive over a 30% contribution to awareness and purchase intent. YouTube and Facebook drive particularly cost-effective brand-building contributions. But the key to achieving such a positive return is in knowing which creative to put in the mix, and which platforms to play them. Getting more from your media may also mean moving beyond the tried and tested platforms, and introducing new players to the mix.

This article was published exclusively on on July 1, 2021.