How brand tracking can make marketing investments recession-proof
In times of economic uncertainty, brand risk management is crucial. Discover how to build a recession-proof marketing strategy using brand tracking to help you weather the economic downturn.
Kantar evidence from the last recession of 2007-2009 demonstrates that tightening the purse strings starts with the marketing budget. Brands typically become reactive rather than proactive. However, to continue building brand equity, this isn’t always the correct decision.
Brand tracking does more than help marketers understand which lights can be switched off, and which are essential for maintaining brand equity. Brand tracking offers early indicators and diagnostics to help you get efficient with your budget.
How to monitor brand performance
It takes courage to build brand equity and focus on growing your brand in the midst of an economic downturn. But once you’re on other side of a tough market and have achieved longer-term brand growth, it will be worth it.