CMO Analysis: Gillette’s latest ad only proves why brands standing for positive change is vital

“People are more likely to engage with brands which stand for something and reflect the culture we live in,” says Kantar’s Director, Brand, Brian Walker-Catchpole.

“We also know that some brands overstep the mark and make absurd claims about values they could never hope to emulate or purposes they could never realistically champion. The Gillette film seems both reasonable and relevant, even if it’s a little hokey,” he said.

“But the reaction to the Gillette ad shows a hell lot of defensiveness on the part of its critics. They seem to have really hit a nerve, sparked an avalanche of ‘not-all-men’ platitudes and gotten a lot of people talking about a brand that had largely fallen off the radar prior to today.”

CMO analyses the latest Gillette ad and reveals why brands striving for positive change is vital, as well as financially sound.

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