Identifying opportunities to transform your brand and business through sustainability

Kantar’s Sustainability Sector Index provides a global view of how consumers respond to sustainability issues, to help brands understand where to play.

Sustainability has become a top priority for businesses – but, with so many areas to consider, where should your brand focus? Consumers will not be leading the change in this regard; they expect businesses and brands to take leadership. To overcome barriers to, and drive adoption of, sustainable shopping habits, companies must make it easy for consumers to choose sustainable products or services.

Sustainability Sector Index

Kantar’s Sustainability Sector Index is a quantitative research study in 35 markets, which maps consumers’ sustainability attitudes and behaviours against the UN sustainable development goals. The index is designed to define clusters of people by the specific issues that resonate for them, sector by sector – enabling a robust framework for how companies address sustainability.

The global report reveals that just under one in three (29%) of global consumers is among the most actively engaged in climate and social issues when it comes to their shopping behaviour.

This article was published exclusively on on February 14, 2022.