
The success of your campaign is underpinned by your creative idea. Does it resonate with your audience? Is it distinctive?


Uncover the human truths that form the foundation of your creative work and build a robust creative platform that will help you develop outstanding content that will drive sales. Get inspiration for campaign concepts using our Life Streaming ethnographic and observational techniques. Access future-oriented online communities with Think Tank to explore the potential of such creative territories. Develop your creative concepts with our proprietary Pre-Link method, using NeedScope to understand brand positioning. Finally, confirm effectiveness with Link and fine-tune your creative executions with video-enabled Spotlight. Supported by the largest network of qualitative specialists, experienced in and passionate about creative development, we help you put human and cultural insight at the heart of your campaigns.

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Finding Financial Freedom

The imperative is clear – to help every Australian to unlock and build their long-term, sustainable mental wealth.

Double your creative impact with IDeA and Pre-LINK


Uncover a relevant

human truth

Understand consumers and their behaviour in the social and cultural context to reveal insights to inspire your creative platform


Unlock the potential

of your creative idea

Ensure your creative ideas and insights are compelling, with learning to help ensure executions retain and exploit what makes the brand idea compelling


Identify the most compelling

execution of your idea

Evaluate executions to identify which bring the idea to life most compellingly, communicate the intended message, is distinctively linked to your brand, will drive the desired action – and opportunities to optimise for impact


From delivery of final stimulus

to actionable insights

With pre-recruitment, receive a full qualitative insights debrief within 6 working days of receipt of final stimulus

“Your brand and a clear creative brief are the unlock to creative success! Ensure you’re clear on your brand and communication objectives – this is your strategic evaluation criteria. Know your audience, and ensure your insights are both brand and consumer relevant. Never more so than now when Australians are more choiceful about where and how they spend.


Above all, qualitative is your opportunity to cost effectively explore more than one creative idea and/or creative executions – including testing the ideas or executions that scare you!


The smartest marketers and creatives actively listen to relevant audience feedback, and shamelessly optimise to double their creative impact.”


Carolyn Reid – Head of Qualitative

Kantar Australia

Find out more about Kantar Qualitative