Kantar Consulting Division

We specialise in helping brands and businesses find growth in uncomfortable places. Our work focuses on the HOW, working arm in arm with clients to drive insight into strategy and strategy into action. We pride ourselves in the ability to make the solutions to complex problems feel simple and actionable. We are insightful storytellers who draw energy from the idea that culture is reshaping the world faster than brands and business can keep up and that where businesses need the most help is in effectively bridging the gap between strategy and action.


We work agnostic of tools but are extremely effective in mobilising the best of Kantar’s thinking, thought leadership, talent and frameworks to crystalise problems to solve and land strategic ideas that have the power to transform businesses.


There are 4 parts to our offer:

  • Growth Strategy – Category and cultural understanding to prioritise where to play and how to win both today and tomorrow, the size of the opportunities
  • Brands in Culture – Portfolio, positioning and architecture to shape brands that can contribute purposefully to our planet and the lives of the people within it
  • Futures and Innovation – Category visioning, hunting ground development, ideation and optimisation powered by our unique futures engine
  • Implementation and planning – Capability development, sustainable transformation and embedding purpose led positioning through CVP and EVP

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