Industry news services

Use these links to subscribe to email news services with the latest news from the marketing industry


Free daily news on the latest developments in advertising and marketing from around the world.

APO (Australian Policy Online)
An online knowledge hub that makes public policy research visible, discoverable and usable. Collecting and curating high quality content – our database contains over 38,000 resources, including specialist collections, grey literature reports, articles and data

B&T Today
Online B&T focuses on delivering daily intelligence on the marketing, media and advertising industries within Australia and further afield.

Online database for world creative adverts

A discussion of everything under Australia’s media and marketing umbrella. 

Published monthly in print, the magazine complements a website, daily newsletter, weekend wrap up newsletter as well as podcast, social and events presence.

Marketing Week AM
Covers the latest marketing news, opinion, trends, jobs and challenges facing the marketing industry.

Qualtrics Webinars
Helpful experience management & market research guidance, all in one place

Global market research industry’s daily papers

Australian Market and Social Research Society
The Australian Market & Social Research Society Limited (AMSRS) is a not-for-profit professional membership body of over 2,000 market and social research professionals who are dedicated to increasing the standard and understanding of market and social research in Australia.

Focuses on addressing the unique leadership and technology challenges chief marketers face as they align their insights with those of the business.