Finding Financial Freedom

Expert industry panel

Jessica Irvine

Economics & Finance Commentator – The Sydney Morning Herald & The Age

Rob Lockhart

Financial Educator – Westpac’s Davidson Institute

Jen Dalitz

CEO – Women in Banking & Finance

Kantar speakers

Ryan France

Head of Brand and Strategy

Carolyn Reid

Head of Qualitative

Jonathan Sinton portrait

Jonathan Sinton

Chief Commercial Officer

Anagha Kanhere

Financial Freedom Research lead

Many people in Australia feel ill-equipped to achieve financial autonomy

8.5 million

45% of Australian adults are financially illiterate

Source: HILDA data, March 2020

6 in 10

Australians are worried that someone they know will be the victim of elder financial abuse

The challenges affect various segments of the population differently, and the gender imbalances we saw in 2018 likely remain


of women are worried about moving savings into investments because stocks and shares are too risky

2 in 5

women (38%) are too worried about everyday finances to spend time thinking about the future

Source: Kantar Australia Winning with Women Consumer Attitude Study, July 2018, n=1,000

The COVID shake-up caused many Australians to reassess their financial lives, but apathy and fatigue looks to be returning in the new normal

For almost 2 in 5 Australians, the COVID-19 pandemic was a trigger to completely reassess their lives

Proactive financial planning has dropped in priority in the last 12 months to just 19% from 35%.

Source: Kantar Consumer Sentiment Studies: March 2020 and February 2021. n=150 online interviews

Introducing Finding Financial Freedom

The changing face of financial wellbeing in Australia
A Kantar Australia state of the nation report
  • We’re speaking with 2,500 Australians of diverse backgrounds (age, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status)
  • We’ll reveal current financial behaviours, attitudes, desires and knowledge through a generational and cultural lens
  • We’ll deliver actionable insights flowing from knowledge and behaviour gaps to help your organisation play a valuable and valued role in the financial wellbeing of Australians

Discover the results of our groundbreaking new research